Android studio toast message example
Android studio toast message example

android studio toast message example

You can also chain your methods, call as a one-liner and avoid holding on to the Toast object, like this: Toast.MakeText(Application.Context, "Hello toast!", ToastLength.Short).Show() įor more information refer to the more complete Android documentation on the topic. The following sections describe how you can do these things. You may, however, want to position the toast differently or even use your own layout instead of a simple text message.

android studio toast message example

You can also create custom toast as well for example toast displaying image. A toast contains message to be displayed quickly and disappears after sometime.

android studio toast message example

This example demonstrates everything you need for most toast notifications. Andorid Toast can be used to display information for the short period of time. So what you can do here is you just need to give the name of your activity, pass that as the first. Var toast = Toast.MakeText(context, text, duration) maketext and inside this make text you can display a message. ToastLength duration = ToastLength.Short You can display the toast notification with Show(), as shown in the following example: Context context = Application.Context It returns a properly initialized Toast object. This method takes three parameters: the application Context, the text message, and the duration for the toast. First, instantiate a Toast object with one of the MakeText() methods.

Android studio toast message example